Principal Investigator
Shibdas Banerjee (a.k.a Monon)
Associate Professor, Chemistry
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Tirupati
Associate Professor, IISER Tirupati (July 2022 -)
Assistant Professor, IISER Tirupati (August 2017 - July 2022)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Stanford University, USA (July 2014 - July 2017),
Mentor: Prof. Richard N. Zare
Visiting Fellow, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai (February-May 2014)
Ph.D., Chemical Sciences, TIFR Mumbai (August 2008 - January 2014),
Supervisor: Prof. Shyamalava Mazumdar
M.Sc., Chemistry, IIT Roorkee, India (2008)
B.Sc., Chemistry Hons. University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India (2006)
Field of Specialization
Biochemistry, Imaging Mass Spectrometry, Clinical Metabolomics and Diagnostics, Mechanistic Organic Chemistry, Microdroplet Chemistry, and Analytical Methodology Development.
Honors and Awards
Shimadzu Young Scientist Award-GOLD from Asia Pacific (2014)
Ramanujan Fellowship (2018)
Early Career Research Award from SERB, DST, Govt. of India (2019)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Stanford University, USA (2019)
2022 ACES-CRSI Early Career Award (2022)
Merck Young Scientist Award (runner-up) (2023)
Thieme Chemistry Journals Award (2024)
Early Career Board of Analytical Chemistry, American Chemical Society (2024-2026)
Invited International Researcher, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan (2024)

Ph.D. students

Abhijit Nandy
M.Sc. in Chemical Sciences from Presidency University, Kolkata in 2020
Prime Minister's Research Fellow (PMRF) (from 2022)
CSIR-JRF Rank- 43 (2020)

Pragya Pahchan
iPhD Fellow
B.Sc. in Zoology, Banaras Hindu University (2016-2019)
CSIR-JRF Rank- 85 (2019, Life Sciences)
DBT-JRF (BET 2022)
Geetha Dande
M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry, Sri Venkateswara University College of Sciences Tirupati (2018-2020)
CSIR-JRF Rank- 107 (June 2021)

Barsha Pathak
iPhD Fellow
B.Sc. from Bankura Christian College, West Bengal (2021)

Sourik Chakrabarti
M.Sc. in Chemistry, IIEST Shibpur (2020-2022)
DST Inspire Fellow
Email: sourikchakrabarti@students.iisertirupati.ac.in

Anitesh Rana
M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry, Delhi University (2021-2023)
CSIR JRF Rank- 29 (December 2023)

Sampurna Roy
M.Sc. in Chemistry, NIT Sikkim (2020-2022)
DST Inspire (Provisional) 2024
Guest Researcher

Dr. Supratim Mondal (RA at Delhi University)
M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Calcutta (U.C.S.T.A) in 2017
CSIR JRF Rank- 39 (June 2017)
PhD Thesis defense date: 10th May 2024 (IISER Tirupati)
MS Thesis students

D. Soujanya
MS Thesis student (2024-2025)
BS-MS (2020-2025) at IISER Tirupati

Hariharan T
MS Thesis student (2023-2024)
BS-MS (2019-2024) at IISER Tirupati
SBLab Alumni

Dr. Anubhav Kumar
PhD (August 2018- June 2024)
Currently at CEAT (R&D)
Sutirtha Chattopadhyay
MS Thesis student (2021-2022)
BS-MS (2017-2022), IISER Tirupati
Currently at Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München, Germany

Dr. Yeswanth Sthanikam
Postdoctoral Fellow (2019-2021)
PhD in Biotechnology, SVIMS Tirupati
Mithlesh Prasad Singh
Project Fellow (2021-2022)
M.Tech. in AI and ML
Currently at NTNU, Norway

Akhila Ajith
MS Thesis student (2020-2021)
BS-MS (2016-2021), IISER Tirupati
Currently at The University of Manchester, UK

Uddeshya Pandey
MS Thesis student (2022-2023)
BS-MS Biology major (2018-2023)
IISER Tirupati
Currently at Utrecht University,

Veena Shankar Avadhani
MS Thesis student (2020-2021)
BS-MS (2016-2021), IISER Tirupati
Currently at UC Berkley, USA

Purva Shripad Damale
MS Thesis student (2021-2022)
BS-MS (2017-2022), IISER Tirupati
Currently at The Ohio State University, USA

Debajit Laha
Project Fellow (2021-2022)
M.Sc. in Chemistry
Currently at Lupin Limited
PhD and Postdoctoral positions will be available in our group soon. Interested and motivated candidates can check our Institute website regularly for that.
For collaborations, questions, and job opportunities in our group, please contact us at shibdas@iisertirupati.ac.in
NOTE: We do not have positions open for the temporary/summer/thesis internships. Please do not apply for the same.