Clinical Mass Spectrometry: Imaging Tissue Metabolites and Lipids for Cancer Diagnosis
The important hallmark feature of tumorigenesis is the global shift in metabolism imparted by the malfunctioning of oncogenes. This...

Diagnostic Molecular Pathology: Discovery of Disease Biomarkers
Discovery of clinically significant biomarkers has stimulated the development of therapies and treatment. Transmission of disease...

Microdroplet Chemistry
Much excitement has met the news that a number of bulk-phase reactions can be dramatically accelerated in microdroplets (Banerjee et al.,...

Methodology Development
We use different types of ambient ionization mass spectrometric techniques in developing new analytical methodologies for applications in...

Mechanistic Organic Chemistry
Recently mass spectrometry has underscored impressive capabilities to capture and detect transient fleeting intermediates from...

Natural Product Discovery
We are also interested in identifying natural products and their biological evaluation as pharmaceutical drugs. Our group is actively...