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Abhijit Nandy, Supratim Mondal, Debasish Koner, Shibdas Banerjee*
“Heavy Water Microdroplet Surface Enriches the Lighter Isotopologue Impurities”
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024, 146, 28, 19050–19058

Anubhav Kumar, Veena Shankar Avadhani, Abhijit Nandy, Supratim Mondal, Barsha Pathak, Vinod Kumar Naidu Pavuluri, Madan Mohan Avulapati, Shibdas Banerjee,*
“Water Microdroplets in Air: A Hitherto Unnoticed Natural Source of Nitrogen Oxides”
Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96, 26, 10515-10523 (AK, VSA, and AN contributed equally) (selected for front cover graphics)

Supratim Mondal, Abhijit Nandy, Geetha Dande, Krishna Prabhu, Ramanna Valmiki Rajesh,* Debasish Koner, and Shibdas Banerjee*, “Mass Spectrometric Imaging of Anionic Phospholipids Desorbed from Human Hippocampal Sections: Discrimination between Temporal and Non-temporal Lobe Epilepsies”
ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2024, 15, 5, 983–993

Abhijit Nandy, Hariharan T., Deepsikha Kalita, Debasish Koner, Shibdas Banerjee*
“Stabilizing Highly Reactive Aryl Carbanions in Water Microdroplets: Electrophilic Ipso-substitution at the Air-Water Interface”
JACS Au, 2024 (accepted on 7th October 2024)

Ke Gong, Abhijit Nandy, Zhexuan Song, Quansong Li, Ali Hassanali, Giuseppe Cassone,* Shibdas Banerjee,* Jing Xie,* "Revisiting the Enhanced Chemical Reactivity in Water Microdroplets: The Case of a Diels-Alder Reaction" Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024, 146, 31585−31596 (KG and AN contributed equally)

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